Charity of the Year 2024/25

The British Heart Foundation's year as our partnered charity has officially begun!

Charity of the Year 2024/25

Good Causes

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August 26, 2024


We're thrilled to announce the start of the British Heart Foundation as our Charity of the Year! (voted by our staff ).

The British Heart Foundation is dedicated to funding research and providing support for those affected by heart and circulatory diseases. Their work has a profound impact on countless lives, and we are proud to support their mission.

Our goal is to raise £10,000 over the next year to help the British Heart Foundation continue their invaluable work. This ambitious target is a reflection of our commitment to making a significant difference, and we have no doubt that together, we can achieve it.

We have an exciting year ahead filled with various fundraising activities and events that will not only help us reach our goal but also foster a sense of community and purpose within our organisation. There'll be plenty of opportunities for everyone to get involved.

We have created a JustGiving page so anyone can donate and help us raise money for this incredible organisation. Please consider donating if you can.

Let's come together to make this year a remarkable one for the British Heart Foundation and show the power of our collective effort. Thank you in advance for your support and dedication.

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We're thrilled to announce the start of the British Heart Foundation as our Charity of the Year! (voted by our staff ).

The British Heart Foundation is dedicated to funding research and providing support for those affected by heart and circulatory diseases. Their work has a profound impact on countless lives, and we are proud to support their mission.

Our goal is to raise £10,000 over the next year to help the British Heart Foundation continue their invaluable work. This ambitious target is a reflection of our commitment to making a significant difference, and we have no doubt that together, we can achieve it.

We have an exciting year ahead filled with various fundraising activities and events that will not only help us reach our goal but also foster a sense of community and purpose within our organisation. There'll be plenty of opportunities for everyone to get involved.

We have created a JustGiving page so anyone can donate and help us raise money for this incredible organisation. Please consider donating if you can.

Let's come together to make this year a remarkable one for the British Heart Foundation and show the power of our collective effort. Thank you in advance for your support and dedication.

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